Roll Up Your Sleeves: Reclaiming the Yard Pt. 2
April showers bring May flowers or at least that’s how the saying goes. Around here it’s been rain, rain, and more rain punctuated by a few sunny days. After a week straight, we have sun and I managed to slip out and get a few pictures of our now nice-looking garden beds.
Our One Year Farm-iversary!
Hello hello, everyone! So… there’s no getting around it, I have been quite the absentee for months now. Things around the farm have been beyond a bit crazy and have left us working double-time in what free time we have to keep things moving smooth”ish”. While I may be a month behind in posting this I’m beyond excited to finally feel I’ve the time to blog again. As of March 31st, we’d officially spent an entire year in our budding little farm. The amazing thing is how much has happened over the course of one lil’ ol’ year too! Looking back and considering what we’ve learned,…
It’s That Time of Year Already: Reclaiming the Yard (Pt. 1)
Yes, it’s that time of year again. Spring is in full swing with summer close at its heels. Which means it’s time for us to roll up our sleeves and dig in. First stop: the lawn. The patchy, crabgrass-and-weed-ridden lawn that has been a sore spot the last few years. And if you’ve been following along thus far, you know all too well of my lawncare gripes and my lack of a green thumb. (I did not get that gene despite having several family members who are fantastic gardeners.) As far as the yard goes, we’ve done little lawn care this last year except spreading Scotts Weed and Feed when…
From Jungle to Field: The beginnings of a second pasture.
Would you just look at that. When I tell you it’s a sight for sore eyes… Darlin’, I ain’t kiddin’! With only an electric push mower at my disposal, it was simply inconceivable to attempt tackling this 3.5 acre parcel of grass/thistle/weeds that was nearing 4′ in height. Had the mulching kit on my mower even been capable of cutting it down…I would’ve likely bogged down the blades every 5-10′. (I may know this because at one point earlier on in summer, I tried. I will summarize it briefly: It did not go well.) On a happier note, by mere chance one day, I happened to be home and you…
From Shabby to well…Shabby Chic!
Though today is a might bit dreary outside, as the last lingering remnants of Hurricane Irma pass over our little farm, the past month has been anything but! When we first happened upon our home, it had been greatly reclaimed by nature with shrubs and vines covering half of the exterior windows…even those near 10′ up from the ground. Now, while we’re still a constant work in progress when it comes to exterior maintenance of the lawn we have made some progress! (‘Progress!’I always hear that in my head like Bill Nye the Science Guy when he yells out “SCIENCE!”, how about you?) As you can see above on the…
When Two Worlds Collide: Lawn care Woes
Good morning all! I realized it has been a quick minute since our last update on the farm. To be blunt, this whirlwind never slows down long enough for my head to stop spinning. Still, no regrets! Now then…as you can imagine, going from 1/3 of an acre to 15 acres is a bit of a leap. In our previous garden home, we actually considered our lawn to be quite sizable, yes…I know, looking back, I feel silly for ever complaining about mowing it. Looking back, it was around a year to two years ago that our hand-me-down mower, a.k.a. the one that was left in the garage…
Lawncare 101: More Harsh Realities
There’s that old saying, “Sometimes you have to break it down before you can build it up again.” At least I think that’s how it goes. Anyway, I think I’ve mentioned how much I love/hate spring time. I mean, I love the growing part and everything getting green and pretty. Everything up to that point I could do without. Like our lawn. Our poor half dead yard at which I’ve been raking and digging and pulling weeds and dead crabgrass – hence the uh, breaking part. I mean, there’s been a lot of reseeding too but so far not a lot of results beyond a few sprouts. Out of…
Yardcare 101: A How NOT to Guide.
We’re a bit late getting to the lawn and garden this year. The house has been occupying the majority of our time as we prep the ceiling and the floors. So yesterday while it was a beautiful sunny 65 degrees out, we figured it was the perfect chance. And then, as per usual, the unexpected happened. So I decided to post this handy dandy guide as a warning to others who might be working on their yards. Step 1: Have your child dig holes in the yard. “See, if you dig up the dirt with the baby rake like this, then I can sprinkle grass seed.” “I’m just going to…
When **** hits the fan: The Septic Tank Experience
To those reading, if you have a property that is set up via a septic tank system…I salute you, for those of you set up through your city’s sewer system will never know the struggle. My initial elation at being freed of a monthly sewer bill by the city has quickly dwindled, though perhaps my first experiences amongst this new adventure has jaded me. Now then, without further ado…let us begin. Remember this view? I remind myself daily because this is what everything is for, this lil’ slice of heaven we call home now. When a house has been sitting unused for some time, it’s important to ensure that the tank…
Lawncare Woes
This is the year I’ll finally get a handle on the yard and the garden. Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself. I may or may not have said the same thing last year. When we bought this house, the structure itself wasn’t the only thing in need of TLC. Both yard and garden had been left in somewhat of a disarray. It was clear neither had been tended to in a few years, at least not properly anyway. It’s been an uphill battle against overgrowth, weeds, crabgrass, and crappy soil. Just when I think I’m starting to win, nature throws a curveball and I’m left confused and frustrated.…