Under Construction: IT’S HAPPENING!
It is well into week 2 of our construction project and things more than a bit hectic around here. Unfortunately, this project hasn’t been without its hiccups. The downsides of owning a house over 100 years old are that you’re bound to run into some sort of issue once you start opening the walls. The hubby and I have found that out the hard way on multiple occasions.
Once the drop tiles were out and the aging plaster ceiling down, they found a couple of weak beams that needed to be “sistered” which means they’re adding additional beams next to them to support and strengthen. Between the beams, finding a rotted out window frame, and simply dealing with the odd, old wiring in the house, our poor construction crew has had their work cut out for them.
But we are nothing if not adaptable or at least we’re trying to be. It’s a little extra time on their end and a little extra money on ours but speed bumps aside though, everything is moving along well. Demolition is done and as I write this, the drywall crew is upstairs prepping the walls and ceilings and starting to hang sheetrock. The plumbing is roughed in and the majority of the electrical work is done, along with our strengthened beams and new window frame.
Each day brings so many changes so it’s difficult to keep up with it all. Stay tuned for the next update but in the meantime, here are a few photos of the project thus far.