Fencing 101: Real Talk
In every DIY project you undertake, no matter how big or small the job is, there will always be a pivotal moment in which you ask yourself, “Am I still glad we chose to do this or am I filled with regret?” Now generally speaking, I’m a ‘you can’t cut the wind from my sails’ kind of gal but let’s just say that the previous gust propelling us through this project has dwindled to a passing breeze. Now I can assure you that these long labor-intensive hours spent beneath an unforgiving sun haven’t curbed my enthusiasm, even seven weeks in. Why? Because this equestrian CANNOT wait to have her horses…
Our Little Miracle – Ember
I know it has been forever since I posted about our fence progress but I live, sweat, and bleed that pasture fencing right now and tonight I’ve decided after a day spent laboring in the unforgiving southern sun…I’m taking the night off! Now I realized a short while ago that whilst I litter my Instagram and Snapchat with photos and information about her, I haven’t mentioned our little Ember -once- on here! Prepare yourself for the cuteness overload slideshow… Two days after we closed on our farmhouse, a friend and I drove out to pick up an emaciated mare that we’d fallen in love with a month prior. She has…
Horse Fencing 101: Pasture Fencing at its Finest
“I dreamed a dream of time gone by, when hope was high and …” Wait, this isn’t Les Miserables. (Could be? Possibly… I hope not.) Right then, so I had my fingers crossed that our fence post holes would be dug, posts set, and… dare I say, fence up and ready for our horses by Friday. (And by Friday, I mean Friday two days ago…) Well! I can say that all of our post holes have been dug, despite the adamantium strength clay-soil we have. The one drawback? Well rather, the main drawback is that we completed that yesterday. The day after I was hoping to have the entirety of the fence…
Horse Fencing 101: Post Hole Digging Edition
Do you ever find yourself looking over the “how-to’s” of a project only to watch everything that can go wrong, do so, once you’ve already thrown yourself into the heart of it? Well my friends, that’s what this continuing experience has become…the seemingly “easy” part of the fence construction process that was estimated to take us a few days, give or take, working a few hours a day on digging holes. Must not laugh, must not laugh, all work and no play make Christy a … no, too far. Back on point! So! Twenty-three days later (Whose counting?) I have two-thirds of my post holes dug and our horses arriving…
Horse Fencing 101: Post Edition
Hello again! Whose ready to talk fence posts? I can feel your excitement already…I mean after all, who WOULDN’T get jazzed up over such a sensational topic! Right? But seriously, after the hassle of deciding which type of fencing material would be best for our needs and the safety of our horses we were left with the realization that fencing materials did not come with the inclusion of fence posts. Naturally, after a few minutes of, “But why though?!”, it made perfect sense yet those few minutes were quite a sad realization. Never one to turn down a challenge, the research began again. I don’t know if it’s possible but…
Horse Fencing 101: Choosing the Right Fence
As you all know, the Mr. and I left our cozy suburban lifestyle behind when the chance to own our very own farmhouse became a viable choice for us. Now then, first things first… we have acres of rolling pasture surrounding our home but only semi cross-fenced sections with barbed wire and wobbly splintered posts. Yeah, …not going to work for my horses. So… while I could spend the day complaining about the serious hazards of barbed wire fencing and animals, let’s just leave it at I do not like it and do not permit it to be -anywhere- on my property…at all. That being said, it was time to…
When **** hits the fan: The Septic Tank Experience
To those reading, if you have a property that is set up via a septic tank system…I salute you, for those of you set up through your city’s sewer system will never know the struggle. My initial elation at being freed of a monthly sewer bill by the city has quickly dwindled, though perhaps my first experiences amongst this new adventure has jaded me. Now then, without further ado…let us begin. Remember this view? I remind myself daily because this is what everything is for, this lil’ slice of heaven we call home now. When a house has been sitting unused for some time, it’s important to ensure that the tank…