We Have Walls: More news from the construction front
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This is the first year in a few that we’ve spent at home due to the construction. It was worth it though, not only for the quiet holiday (although we missed family and friends) but also because so much is happening around here and each day it looks a little more complete. They’re shooting to be finished early next week (since we had a delayed start, they’re trying to get things finished up as efficiently as possible so as to try and stay within the original 3-week project timeline as well as get us back to having livable spaces again.) Our new lights…
Under Construction: IT’S HAPPENING!
It is well into week 2 of our construction project and things more than a bit hectic around here. Unfortunately, this project hasn’t been without its hiccups. The downsides of owning a house over 100 years old are that you’re bound to run into some sort of issue once you start opening the walls. The hubby and I have found that out the hard way on multiple occasions. Once the drop tiles were out and the aging plaster ceiling down, they found a couple of weak beams that needed to be “sistered” which means they’re adding additional beams next to them to support and strengthen. Between the beams, finding a…