
Change Happens

Happy March to you all! We hope you’ve had a wonderful year so far.

Surprise! We’ve made a few changes to our little blog and will be adding/adjusting in the weeks to come.

When we started this endeavor, beyond hoping to post more often, we had hadn’t put much stock in the success of this blog. Yes, it’s still more of a hobby than anything else, we believe this will not only offer a new perspective but also motivate us to write more often.

We have a new title! Misadventures in Home Renovation will now be called Charming Imperfection. MIHR is a fun name, but it’s a mouthful, and unless you have it already bookmarked it’s difficult to remember. When MIHR started, neither of us understood WordPress that well. But now, with plenty of blogging experience under our belt, we’ll be reworking things to better suit our needs. And just on the cusp of our little blog turning 2! Keep your eyes peeled for new additions and thank you for hanging with us thus far!


Elizabeth & Christy